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Chetu's Custom Healthcare Software Development Services


We Develop Custom Healthcare Software to Enhance Patient Care and Optimize Medical Device Performance

Ensure HIPAA compliance and achieve interoperability with custom software from us. Our expert developers build custom software and applications to mitigate the technological challenges that healthcare providers face on a day-today basis.

HIPAA Compliant Solutions

HIPAA Compliant Solutions

Complying with regulatory standards is a difficult and daunting task. That is why we ensure all our solutions are HIPAA and Meaningful Use Compliant. Our HIPAA Trained Experts are familiar with the complex landscape of healthcare industry regulations.

Achieve Interoperability

Achieve Interoperability

Our experts use HL7 and FHIR standards to program custom software and applications that seamlessly interface. Connect disparate systems, technologies, and devices with custom, intuitive platforms developed by experienced professionals.

Software Tailored to Your Needs

Software Tailored to Your Needs

Each hospital, pharmacy, clinic, and private practice has unique technological requirements. We develop custom solutions to satisfy the needs of your organization. Our team provides solutions for health records, information systems, medical imaging, and more.

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Our Process

Dynamics-Specific Expertise

Dynamics-Specific Expertise

You'll be matched with certified MS Dynamics programmers and project managers who understand the complexities of your vertical, including Microsoft Dynamics regulatory environments and specific technology requirements.

Hand-Picked Teams

Hand-Picked Teams

Whether you're looking for a single resource to augment your current team or an end-to-end Dynamics development super group, we'll align your development team with experienced Microsoft experts.

Real Time Insights

Real Time Insights

We emphasize collaboration and transparency in all our Microsoft development projects. In addition to being available on-demand during your working hours, we'll provide you with daily reports and weekly status calls.

Total IP Ownership

Total IP Ownership

Once we complete your Microsoft Dynamics project to your exact specifications, we release your proprietary source code and intellectual property with no licensing, no fees and no hassles.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Apps Built
Happy Customers
Repeat and Referral Business

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