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Mastering NetSuite: The Essential Guide to NetSuite Consultants

Rick Heicksen By: Rick Heicksen


NetSuite remains a proven, versatile resource to streamline business processes, establishing itself as an industry leader for Cloud-based ERP platforms while offering scalability solutions for any enterprise. Marketed as an ‘all-in-one’ solution for simplified data access, optimized data monitoring and processing, and providing data insights in real-time, NetSuite remains a compelling option for any business, regardless of industry, because of integrated applications that software specialists can customize to provide individualized, robust resources.

NetSuite consultants offer the continuous support required to fulfill today’s evolving business demands, ensuring all NetSuite products function optimally and all personnel receive proper guidance to unlock the platform’s features for a seamless end-user experience. However, what criteria and benchmarks are used to determine the suitability of a NetSuite consultant? What role does a consultant play within an enterprise’s strategy?

The Integral Role of NetSuite Consultants

NetSuite consultants play crucial roles in the lifecycle of ERP development and support. Still, recent trends reveal that consultants provide continuous support and personnel training to ensure all end-users successfully navigate and implement NetSuite’s features, providing their respective organizations with robust resources deployed within daily operations.

As business landscapes evolve, the scope of NetSuite consultants has broadened. Software developers continue creating intuitive ERP platforms, and well-versed consultants not only possess deep knowledge of NetSuite’s functionalities but also work to carefully analyze the needs of a business while identifying workflow processes that need additional refinement while prioritizing risk assessment.

Transforming workflow ensures the completion of high-quality collateral and augments staff with modern resources to boost collaboration, creating more unity and structure within all departments, which may only sometimes interface. For example, an optimized NetSuite ERP can automatically monitor data and share unique insights with multiple departments, eliminating manual data input and facilitating cross-functional collaboration quickly. NetSuite consultants also enable real-time insights, which can help reduce time-to-market and enhance existing products and services to provide end-users with elevated customer experiences.

Successful NetSuite consultants demonstrate a unique skill set beyond the mere implementation lifecycle. They must possess technical prowess and demonstrate a thorough comprehension of all programs; this knowledge quickly becomes expert once software specialists enhance and customize NetSuite applications according to the unique demands of each business. Scalability becomes more prioritized as a business grows, and consultants play an active role in creating strategies to enhance and broaden the scope of NetSuite resources to accommodate the business’s new growth. Additionally, a well-versed consultant plays a key role in driving innovation, as they monitor and customize platforms required to achieve innovation, which often requires several nuanced steps to bring goals to fruition.

Understanding the Financials

Determining ROI when utilizing NetSuite can require several benchmarks, such as project completion times, end-user and client testaments, expense reduction, and data quality. These are not the only metrics used to determine NetSuite’s value to a business, but they are the most common benchmarks. Investment in a NetSuite ERP can require some significant upfront costs. Modernizing operations enables a business to pursue new revenue streams, stay competitive, and even produce innovative strategies.

Operating expenses can be reduced if an end-user utilizes NetSuite automation programs, eliminating the need for outdated hardware required to compile and monitor critical data. NetSuite can augment sales team processes by elevating lead generation and reducing time spent using traditional sales methods. With predictive analytics customized by software developers, NetSuite can quickly assess the lifecycle of a client and the likelihood of repeat business and forecast future gains based on historical data. NetSuite consultants prove invaluable to a business recently adopting a new ERP with NetSuite features because skilled consultants reduce onboarding times, facilitate engaging training, and offer monitoring and upgrades to ensure optimal functionality designed to drive sales, automate tasks, and augment staff.

NetSuite Technical Consultants: A Specialized Role

The partnership between consultant and business decision-maker is critical when implementing modern resources to optimize operations. Eliminating missed revenue opportunities, inefficiency, and workflow bottlenecks are priorities for a NetSuite consultant. Still, as specialists, we see roles evolving to becoming strategic partners because they educate personnel and expedite acclimation to modernized ERP resources to promote strategic alignment.

Adhering to and implementing company objectives are the ultimate goals of any successful consultant. Still, the value of their technical understanding is further spotlighted when customized NetSuite ERPs are seamlessly implemented within existing platforms, enabling all end-users to conveniently access resources while being trained and supported by skilled NetSuite consultants. With NetSuite consultants taking on more active roles beyond technical consultation, they can evolve into active stakeholders in how operations are completed and bridge communication between management, business board directors, and other stakeholders.

Scalability requires active consultant involvement because as business market share and demands grow, the consultant is responsible for enhancing existing NetSuite resources to not only accommodate the new business growth but also help drive innovation and bring adopted strategies to fruition while enabling all end-users to utilize updated suite resources seamlessly. Driving innovation requires several nuanced steps, and the consultant must pay close attention to detail to bring new innovation plans to fruition.

The Transformative Impact of NetSuite Consultants: A Case Study

Chetu’s dedicated NetSuite consultants have worked to augment business personnel and streamline workflows to create and implement new solutions to transform businesses. Our NetSuite certified developers were recently tasked with designing and integrated a fully customized ERP infused with SuiteTalk API to drive intuitive dashboards to elevate marketing automation and data monitoring initiatives for Napoli Shkolnik PLLC, a well-respected law firm notable for advocating for individuals suffering from medical malpractice and cases of negligence.

Chetu overhauled the firm’s website functionality and enabled more effective analytics for client lead generation, seamless access to previously run campaigns, and annotated outcomes. Utilizing the customized NetSuite ERP transformed the firm’s workflow, data monitoring, and marketing campaign efforts to generate more effective leads and track client satisfaction. Robert Gali, Chief Technology Officer with Napoli Shkolnik PLLC praised Chetu for successfully bringing the project to fruition. “Chetu is a great organization to work with. We give them a directive and they come up with a solution.”

The Advantage of Working With A NetSuite Partner

Operational improvement within business is always a goal decision-makers strive to achieve. NetSuite enables more streamlined workflow and, when customized by software specialists, provides actionable insights with predictive analytics and automation resources to reduce manual data input tasks. Today’s NetSuite ERPs, customized by well-versed software developers, provide businesses with versatile, robust resources that augment personnel and remain invaluable platforms that drive innovation. NetSuite consultants are integral in facilitating new strategies to drive revenue, onboard staff and continuously support end-users seeking modern tools to optimize operations. Working with a NetSuite partner like Chetu allows you to get custom NetSuite solutions, support and consulting services from NetSuite experts. Contact us today to work with our NetSuite consultants.


Chetu does not affect the opinion of this article. Any mention of a specific software, company or individual does not constitute an endorsement from either party unless otherwise specified. This blog should not be construed as legal advice.

Founded in 2000, Chetu is a global provider of offshore software development services, solutions and support services. Chetu's specialized technology and industry experts serve startups, SMBs, and Fortune 500 companies with an unparalleled software delivery model suited to the needs of the client. Chetu's one-stop-shop model spans the entire software technology spectrum. Headquartered in Sunrise, Florida, Chetu has fourteen locations throughout the U.S. and abroad.

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