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Elevating E-Commerce With AI-Powered Solutions For Personalized Customer Engagement

Create Unique Digital Commerce Experiences with Custom Front-End Development

How Can AI Be Used In eCommerce? According to Accenture, artificial intelligence can enhance business productivity by up to 40%. And 87% of global business organizations believe that AI will give them a competitive advantage. What makes it so powerful, though? The ability to gather and analyze a vast amount of data to find patterns and then take action accordingly. Thanks to machine learning algorithms, AI devices also get “smarter” the more they interact with customers and the more data they have to process. Using big data from your customers’ purchase histories and interactions, you can pinpoint what they want and deliver messages that resonate with them. For example, AI can predict customer shopping patterns based on the products they purchase and send them personalized mail with an applicable discount. But those tools can do so much more– here are a few examples of how to use data gathered by AI to boost your e commerce store customer experience.

Attractive Storefronts

Chetu’s front-end developers are proficient in languages such as HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, and more that support the appearance and performance of e-commerce websites and applications to improve UI/UX.

Web & Theme Design

Our e-commerce developers create responsive storefront web designs and themes that enable customers to successfully engage with the platform with optimized scalability and SEO capabilities.

Intuitive E-Commerce Interfaces

We construct exquisitely responsive Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) that include highly responsive elements, 2D/3D animations, and embedded media to keep customers engaged.

Seamless User Experiences

Chetu marries the functionality your customers demand with an intuitive design and experience that makes it as simple as possible to use across desktop, mobile, or web applications.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Chetu analyzes the customer flow and fine-tunes user interface elements to create seamless user experiences that promote data capture and sales by keeping customers engaged.

Content Management

Whether you’re looking for drag-and-drop buttons, customizable themes, or integrated SEO-boosting modules, our e-commerce experts can develop and implement effective plugins to enable you to add new features and make changes at any time.

AI-Powered Solutions For E-Commerce

With e-commerce being a steadily growing portion of retail, it’s important to stand out from the competition. With cutting-edge solutions that incorporate Artificial Intelligence, you can propel your online shop to new heights and ensure customer satisfaction.

Automated Inventory Management with ML

By leveraging machine learning (ML), our AI experts can help revolutionize how your e-commerce business handles stock with automated inventory management. Machine learning models can minimize overstocks or stockouts by leveraging and analyzing external factors, historical sales data, and demand patterns, accurately forecast future demand, and optimize inventory levels. This approach provides efficient supply chain management, enhances customer satisfaction, and reduces costs. Your business can have streamlined operations and maximum profitability through automated workflows.

Image Recognition for Product Tagging & Visual Search

Open up new possibilities with the power of image recognition technology to enhance product tagging and achieve visual search. Chetu’s expert developers can employ deep learning algorithms so that images can be analyzed and tagged with the attributes you need to make product organization and search much easier. Plus, your customers can utilize the tech to snap a picture or upload an image to locate similar products. We’ll help you create a visually immersive shopping experience to accelerate product discovery, improve user engagement, and drive conversion rates.

Fraud Detection and Prevention with AI

Fraud has become a more common and significant threat to e-commerce businesses of all sizes, but AI-powered fraud detection can be the defense you’re looking for. We’ll utilize machine learning models, established patterns, and real-time anomalies to identify fraudulent activities precisely. Plus, we’ll enable your prompt detection and prevention process by leveraging data from user behaviors, transactions, and network activities. As a result, you’ll see enhancements in your security that will protect your business and your customers, preserving trust in your brand and ensuring a positive reputation and customer loyalty.

Sentiment Analysis with AI

Customer sentiment is crucial to any business, whether brick-and-mortar or online. Understanding this within the e-commerce sphere makes ensuring an optimized customer experience imperative. Using AI, we’ll implement techniques like natural language processing (NLP) to automatically analyze reviews, social media interactions, and other sources of customer feedback. With that, your business can deliver proactive customer service, personalized recommendations, and develop targeted marketing campaigns; ultimately improving brand perception and driving customer loyalty.

AI-Powered Personalized Product Recommendations

Our expert developers take customer engagement and conversion rates to impressive new heights. Your business can better analyze browsing patterns, customer behavior, and purchase history through machine learning and AI to help you deliver tailored product suggestions. This approach will improve your customer’s shopping experience significantly, increasing the likelihood of garnering brand loyalty and purchases. With Chetu’s custom AI-powered solutions, you’ll drive cross-selling and upselling opportunities, discover new revenue streams, and stay ahead of the curb in a fiercely competitive shopping landscape.

Pricing Optimization with AI

Pricing optimization stays as an impactful task of e-commerce. With AI-based pricing optimization, you can incorporate data-driven and dynamic pricing methods to drive sustainable growth and adapt. This is possible by analyzing market trends, customer demand, and competitor pricing. As a result, machine learning algorithms deliver real-time price adjustments for a wider range of products or services and personalized pricing for independent customers. You’ll be able to strike the perfect balance of profitability and competitiveness.

Magento Partner
Certified Bigcommerce Partner
Shopify Partners

Omni-Channel Retail Experiences

Material Bank saw a need for a hybrid mobile app to complement their e-commerce platform for its customers on-the-go.

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Chetu is Honored to Serve Some of the Most Iconic Brands in Retail

We use our deep industry expertise to develop seamless e-commerce functionalities and digital experiences.

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foot locker
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Enhanced Customer Engagement

BidWinFun's penny auction site increases the thrill of shopping with custom enhancements to their e-commerce platform.

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Back-End E-Commerce Programming Services

What is Chatgpt Openai in eEcommerce? In the E-commerce world, chatbots are bringing about a transformation and enabling retailers to foster better shopping experiences. The rise of AI chatbots in the business world is enormous. According to Global Market Insights, the overall market size for chatbots worldwide will be over $1.3 billion by 2024. Being part of a wider transition to automate business processes and systems that support customer service in the e-commerce industry, chatbots streamline a vast matrix of complex interactions and drive businesses forward.

E-Commerce Customizations

Chetu’s certified Magento, BigCommerce, and Shopify developers customize e-store and multi-store platforms through redevelopment, API integrations, and custom ecommerce website development extensions to create unique e-commerce functionalities.

Created by popcornartsfrom the Noun Project

E-Commerce Integrations

Chetu creates bi-lateral integrations using custom web APIs to seamlessly integrate e-commerce sites with popular 3rd party tools for CRM, ERP, accounting, marketing automation, inventory management, shipping, and much more.

Chetu seamlessly migrates e-commerce sites, ensuring data integrity, extension compatibility, and consistent storefronts. We analyze the current environment and migrate the store rewriting any code customizations, API integrations, and modules.

Custom Plug-Ins & Extensions

Our custom extension development services adhere to stringent policies of e-commerce marketplaces and stores. We thoroughly test all extensions in the current platform environment and browsers and ensure backward compatibility with legacy versions.

E-Commerce Support

Our administration services address any bugs or issues with your client's e-commerce platform. We support data issues, errors, or any other software issues all in real-time with minimal interruptions and ensure you consistently offer valuable shopping experiences.

Mobile App Development

Chetu developers create multi-featured cross-platform, native, and hybrid e-commerce mobile apps with universal repositories and custom rules control panels for managing multiple accounts, campaigns and reward "currencies" for your customers.

Custom E-commerce Solutions and Integrations

Our Partners

We program and design e-commerce shopping carts and hosted checkout solutions that integrate with popular e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, and more. We build payment processing plug-ins with custom integrations to prominent payment gateways, including PayPal, Fiserv, Authorize.Net, Amazon Payments, Skrill, and more.

We leverage our developers' deep working knowledge of Chatbots, email marketing, and social media to construct genuinely unique marketing automation platforms. We create centralized databases of marketing materials, develop tools for streamlining workflows, generate regular reports, and trigger outreach efforts and responses.

Our skilled Fulfillment and Shipping developers create custom Shipping Software Solutions to automate and streamline order fulfillment and shipment processing. Chetu’s experts develop EDI software solutions to seamlessly coordinate transactions throughout the entire fulfillment process and integrate with FedEx, UPS, and the USPS.

Chetu is certified partners with popular ERP providers, including SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, NetSuite, and more, to integrate mission-critical data to give key insights across Brick-and-mortar, mobile loyalty apps, and e-commerce platforms giving real-time access to operational data.

Custom CRM development for membership management, loyalty programs, gifts/offers management, and more. We have extensive experience integrating industry-leading platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho, SugarCRM, Hubspot with e-commerce platforms and loyalty apps.

Chetu integrates inventory management systems with ERP's through custom APIs with RFID, barcodes, and QR code scanners for real-time stock quantities on POS and e-commerce systems. We integrate document management platforms with inventory management software implementation to tracking receipts, purchase orders, invoices, packing slips, and bills of lading.

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E-commerce Experience

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Ecommerce Website Development Frequently Asked Questions

Ecommerce website development involves crafting online platforms tailored for seamless product and service sales, encompassing design, functionality, security, and user experience to ensure effective online transactions.

Ecommerce website development offers advantages like heightened visibility, enhanced customer experiences, and boosted sales potential through streamlined online transactions and a global market reach.

Technology used in ecommerce website development includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and CMS platforms such as WordPress and Magento.

AI can help ecommerce websites provide more personalized customer experiences, automate customer support, improve website navigation and search, and automate marketing tasks such as email campaigns. AI can also help to improve product recommendations and increase sales.

AI technologies used in ecommerce include natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision. These technologies can be used to automate customer service, product recommendations, website navigation and search, and automated marketing.

AI enhances website navigation and search via natural language processing for query comprehension and machine learning for result refinement. This expedites users in locating desired items, fostering seamless purchases by simplifying their online journey, and optimizing their experience.


Learn more about our Custom Ecommerce development services and drop us a line or give us a ring. We would love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions

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