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Conversational AI: Saving Time & Money While Elevating the Customer Experience

Jeff ParchetaBy: Jeff Parcheta

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Overview: Key Insights

Solving Customer Service Woes

The customer service experience can be a source of stress and frustration for some customers and even representatives who are trying to assist them. Long wait times, miscommunications, and errors can lead to negative interactions that end with no resolution or with strained communications at best.

Clear communication and support are pivotal to a business's success and longevity. Additionally, providing support for an employee can boost company morale and continuous improvement. Integrating technology that assists all parties will eliminate any hassle.

Artificial Intelligence is continuously becoming more intelligent and commonplace within businesses. It can automate tasks and aid the business in improved efficiency and streamlined functions.

The Simple Calculator: Chatbots

AI chatbots are specific applications or implementations within the broader field of conversational AI. They are computer programs developed to aid customer representatives with repetitive queries. They focus on text-based conversations with customers. They answer questions and assist with tasks. They typically rely on keyword matching to understand user input and provide predetermined responses. While they easily complete those tasks, they often need help with complex queries or situations they have yet to encounter.

Chatbots harness AI and NL capabilities to comprehend and answer user questions. AI powers chatbots to learn from previous chat history to sharpen future user interactions. The NLP enables them to understand and generate responses that are casual and human-like. They automate repetitive tasks, reduce response times with stored answers, and improve customer service efficiency. For example, a customer may input an inquiry about their package. Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions like order status or provide troubleshooting steps, giving human representatives more time to handle complex inquiries that provide a more human touch.

Chatbots can adjust recommendations and assistance based on a customer's profile, improving a user's experience and fostering customer loyalty. Chabots can manage 30 percent of live communications and 80 percent of routine tasks. They have an accelerated response time, delivering answers three times faster on average.

The Supercomputer: Conversational AI

Conversational AI is tuned to a computer's ability to comprehend, process, and naturally respond to human language. It understands context and intent and generates appropriate responses based on these factors.

This technology can be used in various scenarios beyond text-based responses. They can be voice assistants, virtual agents, and human-like conversational systems. Like chatbots, it uses NLP technology, Machine Learning, and other Artificial Intelligence features to understand the intent behind user questions, generate more dynamic responses, and even answer complex or open-ended questions. Chatbots are simple calculators, while conversational AI is like a powerful computer that can handle various calculations and even solve complex equations.

Burgeoning Conversational AI and Chatbot Market

The Chabot industry is expected to expand at 23.3 percent annually, reaching $15.5 billion by 2028 (MarketsAndMarkets). Larger companies have embraced chatbots at a faster pace, holding a 46 percent share of the market.

Scalability of Chatbot Solutions

Chatbot solutions vary in use and scalability.

Real-World Examples

AI-Powered Chatbots Can Help the Hotel Industry Thrive

AI-powered chatbots can help in an industry like hospitality, where they often interact with customers. They can help the hotel industry thrive as they grapple with challenges like labor shortages and wage inflation despite increased travel post-pandemic. Hotels seek software development services to implement automation, specifically chatbots, to address customer service issues. Chatbots, including rule-based and AI-powered versions, can efficiently handle customer inquiries and assist guests.

Hotels will experience increased operational efficiency, more dynamic scalability to meet demand, enhanced customer service through personalized interactions, and reduced costs from decreased need for human intervention.

Legal AI Chatbots Integration

Chetu worked with a prominent law firm to develop an AI-powered chatbot application for the legal industry. The chatbots, built using ChatGPT and AI technologies, replicate human communication to assist legal professionals and prospective clients efficiently.

Chatbots can handle routine tasks by automating and generating legal information, answers to frequently asked questions, and standard legal documents. They enhance client service and improve overall efficiency in legal operations.

Lawyers can seamlessly interact, classify documents, and provide specific clauses or provisions, enhancing their utility and effectiveness. Chatbots empower law firms with timely and accurate assistance. It enables legal professionals to focus on more complex matters, ultimately driving efficiency and success in the legal industry.

Elevating Customer Service

Conversational AI is having a transformative effect, as chatbots and virtual assistants can provide personalized support for clients of businesses across all industries.

Bank of America's virtual assistant, Erica, assists with customer support duties. It assists with account inquiries, bill payments, and financial advice. It understands customer inquiries and provides responses based on their customer profile, enhancing the user experience and reducing the need for human intervention.

Conversational AI platforms have integration capabilities within websites, mobile apps, and contact centers, ensuring cohesive service across platforms.

The Future of Assistance

As more and more businesses implement AI-powered chatbots into their customer service, other businesses must follow the standard. Customer expectations will begin to favor immediate responses and personalized interactions. This technology enables businesses to provide around-the-clock support to handle customer inquiries at any moment.

Virtual assistants offer self-service capabilities, continuous improvement through adaptive learning, and enhanced customer service. Businesses leveraging AI will gain a competitive advantage in the market as they can deliver fast and tailored assistance for their customers. Experienced AI development experts such as Chetu’s can program and integrate these chatbots into any platform. Contact us today for a consultation.


Chetu does not affect the opinion of this article. Any mention of a specific software, company or individual does not constitute an endorsement from either party unless otherwise specified. This blog should not be construed as legal advice.

Founded in 2000, Chetu is a global provider of offshore software development services, solutions and support services. Chetu's specialized technology and industry experts serve startups, SMBs, and Fortune 500 companies with an unparalleled software delivery model suited to the needs of the client. Chetu's one-stop-shop model spans the entire software technology spectrum. Headquartered in Sunrise, Florida, Chetu has fourteen locations throughout the U.S. and abroad.

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