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Back-End Shopify Programming Services

Shopify Mobile App Development

Our Shopify developers create multi-featured AI integrated cross-platform, native, and hybrid Shopify e-commerce mobile apps with universal repositories and custom rules control panels for managing various accounts, campaigns, and reward "currencies" for your customers.

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Shopify Migration

We implement ecommerce platform migration from other e-commerce platforms to your Shopify website to ensure data integrity and compatibility. We build interfaces to third-party applications and services through the Shopify API, web services, and SFTP.

Shopify Integrations

Chetu, a certified Shopify partner seamlessly migrates Shopify websites, ensuring data migration including but not limited: product categories, product metadata, customer reviews, order history, tax settings, and customer information. We also analyze the current environment and migrate the store rewriting any code customizations, API integrations, and modules.

Shopify App Development

Our developers customize Shopify apps for extended functionality and features. We also build mobile cart applications on Android or native iOS platforms with intuitive abilities and capabilities to display content uniformly on a wide range of devices, platforms, and screen sizes. We also create mobile complement websites for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

Shopify Support

Our team of experts address any bugs or issues with your client's Shopify platform. We support technical and non-technical issues in real-time with no interruptions and ensure you consistently offer superior shopping experiences. We also offer a Block of Hours support program as a cost-effective alternative to our standard flat-rate support. Services are sold per 100 Block of Hours with reduced rates contingent on hours purchased.

Shopify Customization

Chetu's experienced certified Shopify developers provide tailored-made B2B and B2C ecommerce development services, including responsive websites, mobile applications, custom business automation, scalable multi-channel platforms, integrations to payment solutions, and multiple shipping options from FedEx, UPS, DHL, or USPS platforms including dropship plugins.

Create Unmatched Experiences With Shopify Development Services

Chetu, a Shopify development company, designs and develops custom B2B/B2C Shopify solutions that offer powerful headless customer experiences to boost sales and drive unparalleled engagement.

Attractive Storefronts

Chetu’s front-end developers are proficient in languages such as HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, and more that support the appearance and performance of Shopify websites and applications to improve UI/UX.

Web & Theme Design

Our Shopify theme developers create responsive storefront web designs and themes that enable customers to successfully engage with the platform with optimized scalability and SEO capabilities.

Intuitive Shopify Interfaces

We construct exquisitely responsive Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) that include highly responsive elements, 2D/3D animations, and embedded media to keep customers engaged.

Seamless User Experiences

Chetu combines the functionality your customers demand with an intuitive design and experience that makes it as simple as possible to use across desktop, mobile, or web applications.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Chetu analyzes the customer flow and fine-tunes user interface elements to create seamless user experiences that promote data capture and sales by keeping customers engaged.

Content Management

Whether you’re looking for drag-and-drop buttons, customizable themes, or integrated SEO-boosting modules, our Shopify experts can develop and implement effective plugins to enable you to add new features and make changes at any time.

Robust Omni-channel Retail Experiences

Material Bank saw a need for a hybrid mobile app to complement their e-commerce store for its customers on the go. Chetu's team of experts can create compelling Omni-channel experiences in Shopify that enable tighter inventory control, makes better use of all existing infrastructure, and, of course, increases sales.

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Seamless Integrations with the Tools that Matter The Most

A leading and one of the first online financial companies needed custom Shopify integrations to improve their full website navigation, installment pricing, loan application, and user identity validation functionalities.

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Custom Shopify Solutions and Integrations

Chetu, a Shopify development company, use core GIS software tools and the latest geospatial modeling technologies to enhance mobile communications and introduce new innovative ways for your business to utilize GIS data to increase business effectiveness.


We program and design online shopping carts and hosted checkout solutions that are seamlessly integrated with every Shopify platform. We build payment processing plug-ins with integrations to prominent payment gateways including PayPal, Fiserv, Authorize.Net, Amazon Payments, Skrill, and more.

Marketing Automation

We leverage our developers' deep working knowledge of Chatbots, email marketing, and social media to construct genuinely unique marketing automation platforms. We create centralized databases of marketing materials, develop tools for streamlining workflows, generate regular reports, and trigger outreach efforts and responses.

Delivery, Fulfilment & Shipping

Our skilled Fulfillment and Shipping developers create custom Shipping Software Solutions to automate and streamline order fulfillment and shipment processing. Chetu’s experts develop EDI software solutions to seamlessly coordinate transactions throughout the entire fulfillment process and integrate with FedEx, UPS, and the USPS.

Custom shopify development services and integrations


Chetu is certified partners with popular ERP providers, including SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, NetSuite, and more, to integrate mission-critical data to give key insights across Brick-and-mortar, mobile loyalty apps, and Shopify platforms giving real-time access to operational data.


Tailored-made CRM development for membership management, loyalty programs, gifts/offers management, and more. We have extensive experience in ecommerce development services including integrating industry-leading platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho, SugarCRM, Hubspot with Shopify ecommerce platforms and loyalty apps.

Inventory & Order Management

Chetu integrates inventory management systems with ERP's through custom APIs with RFID, barcodes, and QR code scanners for real-time stock quantities on POS and shopify systems. We integrate document management platforms with inventory management software implementation to tracking receipts, purchase orders, invoices, packing slips, and bills of lading.

Shopify Development Services Frequently Asked Questions

Shopify is an ecommerce platform that allows users to build their own online store to sell goods and services. It provides templates, features, payments, marketing tools, and more for users to create their store.

Custom Shopify Development Services provide clients with custom solutions for their Shopify store. This includes creating custom themes, features, and functions as well as integrating Shopify with other services to provide a unique shopping experience for customers.

Yes, Shopify development services include an API, support forums, and tutorials to help with custom projects. Additionally, there are many third-party agencies that offer Custom Shopify Development Services that provide additional support and guidance.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used by Shopify developers for tasks such as optimizing store functions, automating repetitive data entry tasks, providing relevant product recommendations, and determining customer preferences.

Benefits of using AI for Shopify development services include: increased efficiency by removing manual and repetitive work; improved product quality; more accurate insights with predictive analytics; improved customer experience with personalized recommendations; cost-savings from automating tedious or time-consuming tasks; and faster implementation of marketing campaigns.

The future of Apex and AI in Salesforce is bright. As more advanced features are developed, more businesses will be able to leverage the By using AI solutions, Shopify developers can better optimize stores by detecting and predicting customer behavior, providing relevant product recommendations, streamlining processes for better customer engagement, and automating expensive and mundane tasks.


Drop us a line or give us ring about Shopify development services. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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