Chetu – Custom Software Development CompanySearch blackphone blackcross black

Need Experienced Developers to Help You Modernize Large Volume Legacy Flash Content to HTML5?

Our team of developers transforms old Flash courses to HTML5 using its automation capabilities, coupled with future-ready design. We transform flash animations and presentations, product demos, flash logos and layout designs with HTML5.

Adobe Flash Expertise

Our developers are experts in developing with Adobe platforms and tools. We develop with Adobe Flash Builder, ActionScript, SWF files, Adobe Flex, Adobe AIR, Adobe Animate, and more. Our services include custom design, programming, and implementation.

Web Design & Development

Our end-to-end software services include web development for desktop and web-optimized mobile applications. We specialize in full-stack web technologies, custom websites, web apps, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), games, browsers, intuitive UI / UX, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL, and more.

Graphics and 2D/3D Animations

Our developers create custom graphics, animations, interactive elements, and multimedia assets. We utilize proprietary and open source tools to create professional, high quality web elements with responsive design across all platforms.

Future-Ready Design

We provide migration of custom flash content to html5, instructional design to support modernization, republishing with latest compliance standards, mobile-friendly design, micro-learning formats, responsive design.

Modernize Your Legacy Flash Applications With New Features

Our Flash developers create immersive and interactive web applications that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing and give new life to your legacy flash applications.

  • Flash Action Script Programming

  • Flash Animation Services

  • Flash eCard Design

  • Flash 2D Animation

  • Flash Movie Creation

  • Flash Cartoon Design and Development

  • Flash 3d Animation

  • Flash Game Development Developing

  • Flash Animated Logo Designing

  • Flash Animation Websites

  • Flash Template Design

  • Flash Banner Design

  • Flash Introduction Page

  • E-Commerce Websites With Flash

  • Flash Company Banners

  • Flash Website Design

  • Multimedia Flash Presentation

  • Rich Internet Applications Development

Case Study:


HTML5 Logo

Flash Development Software

At Chetu we develop flash rich on-line experiences with industry leading Flash technology.


Our developers use Flash Develop to create video games, web apps, desktop apps and flash websites. The resulting app from this tool runs in Adobe AIR or Adobe Flash Player, on iOS, Android, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows.

action script

We use Flash Minibuilder specifically for the development of programs written in ActionScript 3. We utilize Minibuilder to provide a comprehensive cross-platform for ActionScript projects.


At Chetu we use SWFTools for the creation and manipulation of the SWF files. It can be compiled from a C source code, and run under Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux environments.

vectorian giotto

We create smooth flash animation using Vectorian Giotto. We transform your concepts into banners, preloaders, navigation menus, and other professional Flash artworks.

Why Businesses Choose Chetu

Industry-Specific Experience

Chetu is organized into teams according to industry verticals. Each group is skilled in the best practices, trends, regulations, and projects specific to that industry. Our subject matter experts adapt to changing market conditions and provide insights that add value to your project.

Real-Time Communication / Accountability

Our dedicated developers work within your native time zone to allow for real-time collaboration. We work to achieve a true ‘branch location’ feel. Chetu infuses accountability and transparency into our model with regular management and progress reporting.

Scalability and Support

We work with your specific software development goals to find the areas with the best fit to bring you the most value and the quickest return on your investment. We build a team and formulate strategies based on your individual needs and objectives, giving you the option to ramp your team up and down whenever you need.

Source Code Ownership

Most software companies insist on owning their own source codes to prevent their clients from seeking out other vendors or tools. Chetu strongly believes in its commitment and service to its clients, which is why we insist that our clients own their own source codes.

Strategic Locations
Dedicated Developers
Specialized Industries
Years of Quality Service
Development Awards

Contact Us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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Trusted By

Memorial Healthcare System
LDK Logistics
Conifer Health Solutions
Town hall
Live Nation

"What attracted us the most to Chetu as a small company was the reasonable pricing & the ability to scale up or down quickly on developers to continue support for the app."


Eric Sinagra, CEO of pathVu


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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Repeat and Referral Business

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