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Reseller Program

Generate Recurring Revenue, Cut Costs & Scale Your Business




Leverage Chetu for New Income Streams

Chetu offers many flexible options for you to earn money as a Reseller. Utilize our talent pool of more than 2,200 technical and non-technical resources who have the domain expertise and know-how within each industry to offer exceptional solutions.

White-Labeled Developers

Your business… our developers. Use Chetu’s trained and certified services team to support your product and/or add new services or offerings to your customers.

Direct Affiliate

Promote Chetu services to your close referrals and build profitable partnerships. Chetu will directly service the client and you earn throughout the entire relationship.

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Refer-A-Friend to Chetu

Know of someone that could benefit from Chetu’s services? Send your friends, partners, and colleagues our way, and we will give thanks back with a token of our appreciation.

Chetu’s Software Development Expertise

We offer both technical and industry-specific expertise in custom software development services to enable our channel partners to expand what they can provide to their clients and create more lead opportunities.

Software Solutions

We deliver world-class custom software development services for startups, SMBs, and enterprise-size businesses, and can scale to meet their needs. 

System Integrations 

Our software engineers handle challenging integration & implementation obstacles, including architectural design, testing, debugging, and execution.

Web & Mobile App Development

Our developers are industry-specific technology experts with decades of combined experience delivering interoperable, scalable web & mobile applications across all industries.

Migrations & Upgrades

We quickly migrate your customers’ database and server, including user accounts, agent jobs, and SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) packages, with minimal downtime.

Become a Reseller Today!

If you’re interested in becoming a Reseller or would like to learn more about Chetu’s Reseller Program and how it can help you generate more revenue, then please complete the form below and a Chetu representative with contact you promptly.

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