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Cómo las aplicaciones de Oracle Saas están cambiando el paisaje del software

Escrito Por Atit Shah Publicado  abril 11, 2018
Atit Sah

Atit shah

La nube ha abierto muchas puertas para el software de todo tipo, creando una red de servicios accesible desde cualquier conexión a Internet. En el pasado, las operaciones comerciales han luchado con actualizaciones e integraciones, aceptando los costos de mantenimiento continuo por necesidad. Para los sistemas descentralizados, todas las actualizaciones requieren la entrada y el despliegue manual, lo que eleva considerablemente los gastos generales y hace que las empresas se retrasen con respecto a la curva de adopción por falta de fondos o por el ancho de banda de TI.

A new concept has grown from cloud technology, the concept of Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS describes applications offered remotely through the cloud by a software provider. Essentially, in accessing SaaS, business operations are subscribing to a service rather than purchasing a proprietary software outright.

Oracle leverages an entire SaaS Suite through the cloud, optimizing processes in sectors from HR to transportation management. Digitalization has interrupted business flows from the beginning, attacking inefficiencies that operators did not know existed. One challenge of this is understanding how to apply the software to a preexisting model, merging the new and old in the most productive way. Using Oracle SaaS eliminates integrative roadblocks and the system makes connecting to other clouds and legacy systems easy.

Oracle SaaS lets enterprises revolutionize their current infrastructure quickly and securely, expediting updates and staying ahead of the adoption curve even across a fragmented, company network. Chetu's Oracle developers make the migration to Oracle SaaS Cloud Solutions painless, aiding in the solution selection process to ensure that business owners are matched with a SaaS that is most cohesive to their operational architecture.

As an Oracle Gold Partner in the Oracle Partner Network, Chetu developers have extensive experience implementing Oracle's SaaS options and offer their expert knowledge of how each solution interacts with legacy components. Chetu caters to the following SaaS solutions:

  • Oracle Cloud Applications
  • Oracle Modern Best Practice
  • Oracle ERP Cloud
  • Oracle EPM Cloud
  • Oracle SCM Cloud
  • Oracle HR Cloud
  • Oracle Customer Experience Cloud
  • Oracle Analytics Cloud

All of these solutions offer customers five central design elements and characteristics, a promise that each SaaS is as functional as the next. Accessibility through Oracle's Cloud Platform helps enterprises regain technological strength, while maintaining network security. In unifying software preferences through Oracle's Cloud, enterprises can manage data from a large network of users, filtering unrelated inputs into singular outputs. Chetu creates cohesion for Oracle users by seamlessly integrating their SaaS Suite and adhering to these five design elements.

A Complete Solution

Where proprietary software requires the development of a project plan, the assembly of a development team, and a development period that delays time to market, Oracle's SaaS come off-the-shelf ready for immediate integration to your legacy system.

The cloud applications are ready to use, bridging decentralized systems through the wildly accessible cloud platform. Operators will not need to concern themselves with project delays or other setbacks.

Robust Data Processing

SaaS solutions are programmed with intuitive analytics, compiling data from across the entire software suite and configuring numbers relevant to the operator. This totally eliminates manual data computation so that enterprises can eliminate repetitive and mundane processes.

Although most companies have access to a wide pool of data, they are not always sure how to apply the data. Oracle's SaaS applications will give operators a clearer idea of how their data fits into their processes.

Personalization Features

Personalization is the watermark of success, considering customers choose brands according to how they parallel their preferences. Oracle recognizes the power of personalization and their SaaS applications are packed with custom features, helping operators create the dashboard their business needs through workflow design, user modules, and data specifications.

Although SaaS is not a totally custom solution, the personalization makes operators feel more in control of their software network.


The SaaS application offerings are a suite, meaning they are designed to function as a team, as well as to fulfill their individual roles. This allows for cross-application conversation, connecting processes that were previously disconnected and bridging all users under the same umbrella.

Oracle Cloud allows for immediate updates and downloads, preventing maintenance costs from piling up and increasing ROI on IT solutions.

Maximum Security

The cloud is a layered system, containing many different programs across a singular network. At each layer of the system, the cloud issues maximum security protocols, easing concerns about migrating from a private network to a cloud-based SaaS.

Oracle is leading cloud provider, matching customers with a level of security that competing networks cannot compete with. Despite increasing interconnectivity, operators will maintain the same, if not better, system security while improving their operation from all angles.

Chetu offers Custom Oracle Development consultations, providing full-cycle software for all Oracle solutions—cloud, mobile, database, middleware, applications, business, and other industry-specific programs. To make the transition from a legacy system, to a robust and unifying cloud-based system, Chetu recommends migration and integration services at the minimum.

When going with such a low-maintenance solution, why not make sure the deployment is equally as pain-free? Chetu will aid you in the selection process and carry you through to the next era of your enterprise.


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