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Empowering Businesses with Tailored Ecommerce Solutions as Certified Adobe Commerce (Magento) Partners
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Adobe Commerce (Magento) Partners

Adobe Commerce (Magento) Development Services For Your Online Store

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, leverages online commerce data, is customizable, works on multiple platforms, and is superior to many other e-commerce platforms. Chetu is a certified Magento development company and can develop and update your Adobe Commerce (Magento) e-commerce storefront using the open-source version or the Adobe Commerce Cloud.

Attractive Magento Storefronts

Chetu’s front-end developers are proficient in languages such as HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, and more that support the appearance and performance of Magento websites and applications to improve the user experience.

Theme Customizations & Web Development

Our Certified Magento developers create responsive storefront website designs and custom themes development that enable customers to successfully engage with the platform with optimized scalability and SEO capabilities.

Intuitive Magento Interfaces

We construct exquisitely responsive Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) that include highly responsive elements, 2D/3D animations, and embedded media to keep customers engaged.

Seamless User Experiences

Chetu marries the functionality your customers demand with an intuitive design and experience that makes it as simple as possible to use across desktop, mobile, or web applications.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Chetu analyzes the customer flow and fine-tunes user interface elements to create seamless user experiences that promote data capture and sales by keeping customers engaged.

Magento 2 CMS Development

Whether you’re looking for drag-and-drop buttons, customizable themes, or integrated SEO-boosting modules and extentions on Magento 2 Content Management System, our Cerifieds experts can develop and implement effective plugins to enable you to add new features and make changes at any time.

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AI Solutions For Your Magento Commerce Needs

Chetu offers expert AI solutions tailored to meet your Magento Commerce needs. Elevate your e-commerce platform with our advanced AI technologies, elevating customer experiences, streamlining operations, and ensuring your business stays competitive in today's dynamic online marketplace.

AI-Powered Product Recommendations

In the evolving e-commerce landscape, AI-powered product recommendations have emerged as a crucial tool. We offer Magento Commerce merchants worldwide the ability to deploy intelligent product recommendations effortlessly. These recommendations enhance the shopping journey, boost engagement, drive conversions, and increase revenue. Our AI-driven retail solution analyzes shopper behavior, offering nine recommendation types for a tailored approach.

Advanced Search Functionality

Our dedicated AI specialists empower businesses by integrating cutting-edge AI into their Magento stores. Our team specializes in advanced search functionality, implementing context-based and visual search powered by AI and Natural Language Processing. We improve search accuracy, engagement, and mobile-friendliness, ensuring businesses stay competitive and offer superior shopping experiences.

Purchase Assistant Development

Chetu specializes in creating AI-driven purchase assistants that simplify the shopping experience for customers. Our development expertise is centered on automating inventory management, monitoring price changes, and placing orders on behalf of buyers. This innovative technology ensures shoppers can effortlessly secure desired items, catch the best deals, and track restocked products.

Fraud Detection and Prevention Systems

Our skilled software engineers excel in building robust AI-powered fraud detection and prevention systems for e-commerce businesses. Our customized solutions utilize advanced Machine Learning algorithms to analyze transaction patterns and detect suspicious activities in real time. Our AI-driven solutions help safeguard financial data and customer information by identifying irregularities and potential fraud.

Magento Chatbot Integration

At Chetu, we excel in integrating AI-powered chatbots into Magento stores. Our expertise in chatbot development enhances customer support, making it available 24/7. These chatbots, powered by Natural Language Processing, engage customers in real-time conversations, answering queries, handling complaints, and assisting with returns. With personalized responses and instant support, businesses can boost customer satisfaction, cut response times, and enhance their reputation.

Automated Financial Reporting

Chetu specializes in implementing AI-driven automation for financial reporting within Magento stores. Our solutions streamline the tedious process of analyzing invoices, sales, and costs, providing businesses with real-time insights. Automating these financial tasks minimizes errors, and decision-making becomes more efficient and accurate. Chetu's automated financial reporting empowers businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to make informed financial decisions effortlessly.

Hire Certified Magento Developers from Trusted Agency

Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) can benefit your e-commerce store with advanced features, scalability, and flexibility. To successfully implement Adobe Commerce (Magento), hiring experienced & Certified Magento developers is necessary. Our developers can work on theme development, use and enable third-party integrations, and create custom extensions for Adobe Commerce (Magento) PWA (Progressive Web Apps).

Magento eCommerce Development

Our Magento development services tailor your eCommerce store and multi-store platforms through redevelopment, redesign, and design services to enhance and ensure your Magento site's smooth operation.

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Magento Integrations

Chetu creates custom integrations using Magento's REST and SOAP web API frameworks to seamlessly integrate your site with third-party platforms for CRM, ERP, accounting, marketing automation, inventory management, analytics, and CMS.

Magento Migration

As a leading Magento development company, Chetu seamlessly migrates your e-commerce site from other platforms to Magento 2.0, ensuring data integrity, extension compatibility, and consistent storefront designs.

Magento Extensions & Plug-In Development

Our Magento Commerce extension development adhere to stringent policies of Magento Marketplace and online stores. We thoroughly test all extensions in the current platform environment and browsers and ensure backward compatibility with legacy versions.

Magento Support and Maintenance

With years of experience, our Certified Magento developers provide a wide range of support services to address any bugs or issues with your client's Magento platform. We also offer a Block of Hours support and maintenance program as a cost-effective alternative to our standard flat-rate support. Services are sold per 100 Block of Hours with reduced rates contingent on hours purchased.

Magento App Development

Our expert developers create multi-featured cross-platform, native, and hybrid e-commerce mobile apps with universal repositories and custom rules control panels for managing multiple accounts, campaigns, and reward "currencies" for your customers.

Custom Magento 2 Development

Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) development involves planning, analyzing, and understanding client goals and objectives to create e-commerce sites. Chetu’s developers set up themes, third-party extensions, payment, and shipping options inside the Adobe Commerce environment. After this initial development, the site is tested on various hardware and software platforms to ensure security, performance, ease of use, and reliability.

Magento Commerce PWA Development

Developing Adobe Commerce (Magento) PWA (Progressive Web App) e-commerce sites involves a planning and analysis stage that allows clients to enable PWA capabilities that combine features of web and mobile applications. Utilizing the PWA studio, all functionalities are considered, including offline modes, push notifications, and the ability to use cameras, GPS, or other device features.

Magento Marketplace Development

Chetu’s Adobe Commerce (Magento) developers can set up Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) marketplace solutions for your company, which allows for multiple sales vendors. Using the Adobe Commerce environment and installing a marketplace extension or developing a custom marketplace functionality, payment processing, product listing, shipping options, and tax structures can be set up. After testing in controlled environments, the software can be launched.

Most Iconic Brands on Magento eCommerce Built by Our Developers

Brookstone, Live Nation, Foot Locker, Petco, and Johnson & Johnson are just a few of the iconic brands that have used Chetu to create custom Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) platforms, which foster user experiences on their websites and e-commerce platforms that align with their branding and mission. Chetu’s expert developers leverage the power of Adobe Commerce with customized themes, extensions, and modules, creating exclusive platforms that provide value and return on ROI for the companies that use them.

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Custom Magento eCommerce Solutions and Integrations


Chetu’s Magento eCommerce developers build and program shopping carts and host checkout solutions for Adobe Commerce (Magento) stores. We develop payment processing using plug-ins that integrate with the most popular payment gateways, such as Fiserv, Amazon Pay, Skrill,, etc.

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Our Magento Experts are certified partners with industry-leading ERP providers, including Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, NetSuite, and others. Integrating an ERP with Adobe Commerce (Magento) streamlines operations, allowing for orders and real-time inventory data to be synchronized with accounting, marketing, human resources, management, and more.

Marketing Automation

Chetu’s Magento eCommerce experts create exclusive automated marketing platforms using our in-depth knowledge of chatbots, social media, and email marketing. We develop tools and unified databases based on keywords for workflow, reporting functions, sales, engagement, and automated responses.

Delivery, Fulfilment & Shipping

Our Magento engineers use their experience in fulfillment and logistics to enable automation, including order fulfillment and shipment processing. We create and customize EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) software for streamlined and automated business documents and data of supply chain collaborators. This software coordinates transactions and integrates with USPS, FedEx, and UPS.


Our experienced developers integrate Adobe Commerce with CRM platforms, including Salesforce, Zoho, HubSpot, SugarCRM, and others, with third-party apps, e-commerce platforms, and other software solutions all inside the Adobe Commerce platform. We develop solutions for loyalty and gift programs, gamification, growth programs, and more.

Inventory & Order Management

Our Magento software coders can use Adobe Commerce’s sophisticated features and integrate inventory management systems with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) using custom or original APIs to become an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) that can use RFID, barcodes, QR scanners, and other technology to track inventory, receipts, bills of lading, packing slips and more.

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Custom Magento Development: Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Adobe Commerce and Magento Commerce are the same. Magento was purchased by Adobe in 2018. Magento/Adobe Commerce is an open-source eCommerce platform that can be used with any business of any size.

Magento Commerce is customizable, with themes and plug-ins. It is also open-source and scalable. It supports multiple stores, languages, and currencies with SEO and other marketing tools available. Additionally, it integrates with the Adobe suite.

Yes, but they should host their Magento Commerce on a remote server due to the significant use of server resources. Small businesses should use available themes and plug-ins or hire an outside developer for customizations.

Magento Commerce allows for customizable URLs, Meta-Data and Descriptions, and Header Tags and is mobile-responsive. It also helps create a better user experience with improved navigation and longer session durations, increasing SEO ranking.

Yes, many businesses have moved from their previous e-commerce store providers to Magento Commerce. Reasons vary but typically include a need for a more robust and comprehensive eCommerce functionality with flexibility and scalability.

Magento Commerce customization services can include custom module creation, performance optimizations, theme development, third-party integrations, and more. Partners like Chetu can provide custom solutions that enhance user experience, functionality, and efficiency.

Magento extensions allow companies to integrate with third-party services and improve the online shopping experience. Custom extensions allow for unique features to your store and match your specific business model.

Magento Commerce works well with enterprise-level development by offering scalability, seamless integration into existing business apps and systems, robust security, and strong professional support. It works with legacy CRM, ERP, PIM systems, and more.


Drop us a line or give us ring about Magento Commerce development services. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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