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Navigating the Software Development Landscape: A Guide to Managing Technical Debt

Rick Heicksen By: Rick Heicksen


Many companies seek out software development services to optimize aspects of their businesses. Companies often try to cut corners to keep costs low and achieve their goals, but this approach can have shortcomings. Technical debt is a phrase used in software development to describe the consequences of shortcuts or trade-offs made during the development process. It describes the additional work that arises when code is written in a way that works for the meantime but may result in complications in the future. That's why seeking qualified expertise in software development across industries is important.

While rapid development is crucial for staying competitive, it should not come at the expense of long-term sustainability. Long-term success in software projects requires a foundation built on robust and maintainable code. Ignoring the long-term implications of technical decisions can lead to a scenario where the growing burden of technical debt overshadows the initial gains in speed.

Understanding Technical Debt

Like financial debt, technical debt accumulates interest over time due to these shortcuts as they can manifest in the need for additional work, such as bug fixes, refactoring, or improvements to ensure the software's long-term maintainability. This comparison between financial and technical debt illustrates the trade-offs made during development. When developers prioritize speed and immediate results, they essentially borrow time from the future—the borrowed time accrues "interest" in increased maintenance costs, decreased productivity, and a higher likelihood of encountering issues.

Common Sources of Technical Debt

Rushed Coding

If a developer is pressured to deliver a feature quickly to meet a tight deadline, they might take shortcuts, skip thorough testing, or write code that is not as optimal. While this approach may lead to faster delivery, the code may need more structure and documentation, making it harder to maintain in the long run. Bugs and issues may emerge, requiring additional time and effort to address.

Lack of Documentation

There might be time constraints for developers, and they might prioritize writing code over creating comprehensive documentation. It is common in an agile or fast-paced development environment. Without sufficient documentation, future developers or team members may struggle to understand the code's functionality, leading to inefficiencies, increased onboarding time, and a higher likelihood of introducing errors during maintenance.

Reliance on Outdated Technologies

Every project starts with choosing a framework or library. Over time, newer and more efficient technologies emerge, but the project continues to rely on outdated ones due to the perceived cost and effort of migration. While sticking with familiar technologies might make initial development faster, it can result in a lack of support, security vulnerabilities, and difficulties integrating new features. Eventually, migrating to newer technologies becomes more complex and time-consuming.

Inadequate Testing

Sometimes, thorough testing isn't done to save time, and the focus is primarily on functionality. It could result in undiscovered bugs or incomplete test coverage. Undetected bugs can cause issues in production, leading to increased support and maintenance efforts. The lack of comprehensive testing may increase the likelihood of regressions when new features are added.

Recognizing the Presence of Technical Debt

Code Smells

Unpleasant or questionable coding patterns, known as "code smells," can indicate potential technical debt. It includes duplicated code, excessively long methods, or inconsistent naming conventions.

High Complexity Metrics

High complexity, nested conditional statements, or deep inheritance hierarchies can signal hard-to-understand and maintain code. Regularly measuring code complexity metrics using tools like static code analyzers can help identify areas of the codebase that might be accumulating due to technical debt.

Performance Bottlenecks

Performance issues, like slow response times or resource-intensive operations, can indicate inefficient code. Profiling tools and performance monitoring can help identify areas of the code that may need optimization and are likely contributing to technical debt.

Strategies for Managing Technical Debt

Prioritizing Code Quality

Code quality is imperative for a maintainable and robust software system. Prioritizing a clean, well-structured code reduces the likelihood of technical debt forming in the first place. Seek developers who follow coding standards, employ design patterns, and participate in code reviews to maintain a high level of code quality.


Refactoring means restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior. The proactive approach addresses technical debt by improving code readability, maintainability, and performance. Schedule dedicated time for refactoring in your development process. Identify areas with high debt and plan refactoring to enhance the codebase.

Automated Testing

Automated testing ensures that code changes do not introduce new bugs and that existing functionality remains intact. Comprehensive test suites act as a safety net, catching issues early in development. Automated testing facilitates refactoring efforts by providing rapid feedback on the impact of code changes.

Monitoring Tools

Continuous monitoring tools track the software's real-time performance, health, and behavior. Monitoring tools detect anomalies, performance degradations, or increased error rates that may indicate the presence of technical debt. They provide valuable insights into the software's behavior in production, helping teams proactively address issues.

Achieving Sustainable Success in Software Development

Addressing technical debt emerges as a pivotal factor for long-term success. Despite the allure of cost-cutting shortcuts, the metaphorical "interest" of technical debt poses challenges to sustained development. Balancing speed and sustainability is paramount, with strategies like prioritizing code quality, refactoring, and leveraging monitoring tools as proactive shields against debt. As businesses seek software development partners, prioritizing long-term sustainability ensures projects meet immediate goals and endure the ever-evolving nature of the tech landscape.


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